Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rules to be happy.. (^^,)

Pagi tadi masa on the way pegi keje..tetiba hp bunyik..

Owh..ada WhatsApp message dari my cousin..but it's really motivated me all day..hehe..

Meh aku share dengan korang..

..Rules to be happy..

1. Make Peace with your it doesn't spoil your Present.

2. What others Think of you is None of your Business.

3. Time Heals Almost Everything..Give the Time, Some Time.

4. No one is the Reason of your Happiness Except You yourself.

5. Don't compare your Life with others, You have No Idea what their journey is all about.

6. Stop Thinking too much, Its Alright not to know all the Answers.

7. Smile, you don't own all the Problems in the World.

So guys..jom positifkan diri kita..

Percayalah..semua yang berlaku dalam hidup kita ni memang telah tertulis..

Dan Allah sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita..

InsyaAllah..ameen.. ^_^

Photo: WARNA PAGI | Assalamualaikum sobahulkhair untuk sahabat pendengar setia IKIMfm! Suffian Amrin bertugas sehingga jam 10 pagi. Mari berkongsi ilmu dan manfaat bersama.

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